Europe Votes: Party Campaigning in European Parliamentary Elections
Dominic Wring and Nathan Ritchie (eds.)
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Europe Votes offers the most comprehensive look back at how election campaigning has evolved in a democracy (the second largest after India) serving 400 million voters and features twenty experts analysing developments in nine countries from the inaugural election of 1979 to the ninth and most recent one in 2019.
The Foreword to the collection is provided by Baroness Joyce Quin, a former Westminster MP and UK Minister for Europe, who served as a Member of the (first directly elected) European Parliament.
Every chapter of Europe Votes draws on content from the European Elections Monitoring Center’s unique digital archive which holds more than 15000 campaign items including material from every member state.
Dominic Wring and Nathan Ritchie (2024 eds.) Europe Votes: Party Campaigning in European Parliamentary Elections 1979-2019, May. The European Election Monitoring Center/the Loughborough University Centre for Research in Communication and Culture. ISBN 978-1-7384899-1-6